It’s a new day…

Sitting on the porch in the pre-dawn, sipping on my coffee and listening to the world wake up.  A rooster crows in the distance while much closer the crickets and cicadas rival each other for noise.  A large spider hangs on his web outside of the porch, seemingly weightless, hovering in mid-air.  A bob white calls from a field not far from here.  The answer comes from what sounds like a lot farther away.  There is a white haze, almost a fog but not quite, over the pasture across the road.  The sun is just beginning to break over the horizon,  and I remember it is supposed to be 103* here today.  As a cow makes a warbly, weird bellow nearby, I wonder how the animals can bear this, day after day, yet they do.  No choice, I guess.  Another sip of coffee, time to get this day going…..

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